Monday, February 25, 2013

Holy Conversation Meal Planning

First of all, a quick summary of the meals:
Friday evening after the speakers - wine and finger foods (cheese and crackers, hummus, fruit...)
Saturday morning 
- Breakfast (quiche, fruit, sweet breads (banana, pumpkin))
- Lunch (sandwich tray, salad fixins, fruit, veggies and hummus, pickle tray, cheese and crackers, etc.)

I'm going to list the items that us HROCers are going to provide for the meals, along with commitments I've gotten from some of you so far.  Please write back with any preferences you have for what you will bring.

Hummus - Faith

Sweet breads - Marjorie, Mary, Vera

Fruit (washed and prepped - ready to be served) Marjorie, Christy, Geanas, Faith 

Vegetables - lettuce, sliced tomatoes, baby carrots, grape tomatoes, cuke slices (washed and ready to serve) - Cindy is bringing the carrots and grape tomatoes, Oksana- lettuce, sliced tom, cukes

Pickle and olive tray (ready to serve) - Laura 

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